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Social inclusion and well-being

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Survey on social inclusion, living conditions, well-being and social participation

The annual collection of data on social inclusion, living conditions, well-being and social participation in households is a special survey aimed at monitoring the living conditions and financial situation of households. In Slovakia, the survey has been conducted only since 2022.


    What is the objective of the survey?

    The main objective of the statistical survey is to obtain information on an ability of the Slovak population to manage their finances and an impact of the increase in energy prices on the household. The objective has also been to identify the social impacts of the development of the current crisis on the population of Slovakia and other EU countries.

    Another objective of statistical surveys is to enhance and test new challenges of data collection, which could be included in regular surveys in the future and improve the quality of the data obtained.

    When and where will the survey be conducted?

    The survey is conducted annually, in 2023 it is carried out in two consecutive quarters from 1 August to 31 December. Based on a random selection, almost 2,000 households in approximately 450 municipalities and cities in Slovakia, including the urban districts of Bratislava and Košice, are included in the survey for 2023.

    Warning The current list of municipalities in which the survey is carried out is available in the table Priloha_inkluzia_blahobyt_zoznam_obci​​​​​​​ format (XLSX 39 kB) or format (ODS 26 kB).

    Who will answer the questions?

    The repondent of the survey is one person in a household aged 16 and over.

    What will we ask?

    The electronic questionnaire contains questions for households and individuals. Information on a change of the household's income in comparison with the previous year, an impact of increased energy prices on the household, and information focused on satisfaction with various areas of life are collected.

    In 2023, the questionnaire will also include questions aimed at information on residents' activities in various volunteer organizations.

    Warning The example of questionnaire is included in the List of statistical questionnaires.​​​​​​​

    How are the household data provided to the office protected?

    All collected data are used exclusively for the needs of state statistics, are confidential and protected according to the Slovak and European legislation. Final statistical information is always published aggregated and it is not possible to identify data on specific households and persons therefrom.

    Can the respondent refuse to complete the questionnaire?

    National legislation imposes an obligation on the selected respondent to provide the required information in accordance with the Act No. 540/2001 Coll. on state statistics as amended.

    The survey is also part of the European Statistical Programme and is carried out in accordance with the Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council (EU) No. 2019/1700, which means that European legislation also obliges us to do so. It precisely determines and defines the specifics of how to conduct the survey, to what extent, periodicity and to what territorial level, and in accordance with a harmonized internationally comparable methodology.

    We appreciate the willingness of all respondents who participate in surveys, because they can help to identify society's problems and obtain quality and reliable information. They thus contribute to solutions and positive changes.

    How will the questionnaire be completed? How will the survey be conducted?

    • The Statistical Office of the SR will address the selected household in writing - a letter on inclusion in the survey, indicating a name of the interviewer (the person responsible for the Statistical Office of the SR, e-mail and telephone contact for this person).
    • Filling out the data in this survey can be done electronically, therefore the cover letter also contains the exact procedure/methodology for completing the questionnaire electronically and all the necessary access data (link to the questionnaire, unique login code, QR code).​​​​​​​
    • The selected household can verify whether it is really a survey of the Statistical Office of the SR and whether the household was also included in the survey by the managers of the eight regional offices of the SOSR on the contracts also listed in the cover letter or in the following table: Contact persons for the field surveys in the regions SR​​​​​​ format (XLSX 25 kB) or format (ODS 17 kB).
    • If the household cannot fill out the electronic version of the questionnaire, it arranges a personal meeting with the interviewer in its household, outside its household, or will arrange the interview by phone.
    • The interviewer of the Statistical Office of the SR will prove his identity with a special authorization and ID card at the personal meeting.
    • The municipality/city will be informed on the realization of the survey, which is helpful in solving the respondents' questions.

    When and where will the results be available after processing?

    After processing, the results will be published in various structures (e.g. by gender, age, education, territorial division) in the products of the Statistical Office of the SR, namely:

    • in the public DATAcube. database. in chapter 1.6. Income, expenses and living conditions​​​​​​​
    • in the annual EU SILC publication - Indicators of poverty and social exclusion

    Where can I find the results from the previous surveys?

    Results from the previous surveys on social inclusion, living conditions, well-being and social participation are availablein various statistical outputs.
    For the SR:

    For the EU:

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