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Inclusion in the statistical survey

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Inclusion in the statistical survey

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    On the basis of the Act of the State Statistics No.540/2001 Coll. as amended, legal or natural person who is a reporting unit is obliged to provide free of charge, completely, truthfully and within the established  dedlines, the data required by the state statistical surveys, which are listed in the Programme of State Statistical Surveys.

    Obligation to provide data electronically

    From 1 January 2016 pursuant to Amendment No. 326/2014 Coll. Act No. 540/2001 Coll. on the State Statistical Section 18(5), the obligation must be fulfilled by the reporting unit by completing and submitting an electronic form in the Electronic Data Collection System.

    Defining the reporting unit that is exempted from providing data electronically

    A reporting unit that is a natural person or a natural person-entrepreneur and has no employees as of 31 December of the previous calendar year, or a reporting unit that has its seat in a municipality without an internet connection or signal, may also fulfil the obligation to provide data by submitting a completed questionnaire in written form (Section 18(5) of Act No.540/2001 Coll. on state statistics, as amended).

    Establishment of the reporting obligation

    The reporting obligation for a reporting unit is established  when it is invited by the competent authority to complete the relevant statistical questionnaires by delivering a notice of inclusion in a statistical survey.

    Notification message Notice of inclusion in statistical survey

    After  being selected for the statistical survey, the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic will deliver  to your electronic mailbox on the central portal of public administration (ÚPVS) a notification message. Notice of inclusion in statistical survey, if you do not have an electronic mailbox, by registerred mail.

    Notice contains:

    1. Login details
    2. Instruction how to log in to the Electronic Data Collection system.
    3. Contact information of the employee of the relevant office of the Statistical Office of the Slovak republic, responsible for the collection and processing of statistical data in survey.
    Warning The questionnaire is  accessible for data filling only after changing the status from initialization status to the collection in progress status.  You will be informed of the change of status by a Invitation for Reporting obligation notice delivered to the email address.

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