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Notification messages

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Notification messages

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    In order to streamline communication with users, the statistical information system sends automatic notifications whose main task is to ensure that users are notified of predefined events in the process of an ongoing statistical survey.

    Mandatory notification messages are notifications that are sent to the subject's electronic mailbox (eDesk). The system does not allow to the entity the notifications delivered to the eDesk to be deactivated in Edit Custom Profile in Electronic Data Collection (eCollection). If the entity does not have an eDesk, messages are sent by registered mail.

    In the case of message types as prompt, alert, comment and confirmation of questionnaire delivery, the notification is sent to the respondent's email address as a priority.

    Warning If you do not have an email address in our system, these notification messages will also be sent to your email inbox by the system. The system allows the respondent to deactivate the notifications delivered to the email address in priority in Edit your own profile in eCollection.

    In the process of sending notification messages, we distinguish the following electronic services:

    Notice of inclusion in a statistical survey

    After selection to the statistical survey, the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic will deliver to your electronic mailbox on the Central Portal of Public Administration (ÚPVS) a notification message Notice of inclusion in the statistical survey.

    Warning If you do not have an electronic mailbox, the report will be delivered by registered mail.

    The notice contains details:

    1. Identification number of organisation,
    2. mark and name of the survey,
    3. mark and name of the questionnaire,
    4. year and frequency of the survey,
    5. the time limit for compliance with the reporting obligation,
    6. agenda and statistical unit identifier,
    7. initial access data if you are a new reporting unit.

    The notice also contains instructions on how to log in to the Electronic Data Collection System and the contact details of the employee of the relevant Department of the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic who is responsible for the processing of the data provided in the given survey.

    At this stage of the survey process, the questionnaire is not accessible to the reporting units.
    Warning If you are unable to open the notification Notice of inclusion in a statistical survey in your mailbox or it is not displayed correctly, please contact the Central Portal of Public Administration (ÚPVS) The Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic has no influence on the resolution of the above problem.

    Invitation to fulfil the reporting obligation

    By the notification message Invitation to fulfil reporting obligation, the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic informs you that the statistical survey to which you have been included is in the state "Collection in progress" and the statistical survey questionnaire is available for you to fill in the data. The invitation will be automatically sent to your e-mail address that you have entered in Edit your own profile in our system


    By the notification message Notice, the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic will notify you of the approaching deadline for submitting the electronic survey qustionnaire. The notice will be sent twice consecutively to your e-mail address before the deadline.

    Notice of non-compliance with the reporting obligation

    If you do not send the data by the deadline for submitting the electronic form, you will be informed of the non-fulfilment of the reporting obligation by a notice to your electronic mailbox pursuant to Section 18(5) of Act No. 540/2001 Coll. on State Statistics, as amended, on the grounds that under Section 18(8) of the said Act the reporting obligation cannot be refused. If you do not have an electronic mailbox, you will be informed by registered mail.

    Notice of exclusion from a statistical survey

    In case you are excluded during the ongoing statistical survey, the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic will inform you about this fact by a notification message sent to your electronic mailbox, in case you do not have an electronic mailbox, it will inform you by registered mail. On the basis of the above notice, the reporting obligation for you to submit statements for the above-mentioned statistical survey, which resulted from Section 18(5) of Act No. 540/2001 Coll. on State Statistics, as amended, will no longer apply.


    The new comment, which you can  find on the Comments tab after logging into a specific electronic form in the eCollection system, is a tool to communicate with the relevant staff of the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic. In case a Comment is added to your eForm by the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic, a notification message will be sent to your e-mail address registered in the eCollection system in the Edit your own profile tab, informing you that you have a new Comment.

    Confirmation of filled in questionnaire delivery

    Once the filled in questionnaire is submitted, the system automatically sends a Confirmation of filled in questonnaire delivery as a priority to your email address entered in Edit Custom Profile.

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