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List of statistical questionnaires

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List of statistical questionnaires

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Admin. systems support

List of state statistical surveys and statistical questionnaires

The list of state statistical surveys and statistical questionnaires, including the characteristics of the surveys, is issued in the form of a decree by the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic and other bodies that carry out state statistics in the Programme of State Statistical Surveys.

The statistical questionnaires available on this page are designed to inform you about the survey or to download and print.

The Administrative Systems Support attribute, which can be found in the list of retrieved statistical questionnaires, is currently set for IaK 1-12, OPU 1-12, Práca 2-04, Prod 3-04, VTS 1-12 surveys. For these surveys, the function for Import data from XML file and Export to CSV file will be available to the user in eForm. Metadata to be used by application developers to create services to provide data from the so-called ERP systems of enterprises via XML files to eForm are available in the questionnaire detail. A test environment for the development of administrative applications has already been created, for more detailed information see the news item Automated data collection through enterprise systems.

Warning If it is not possible to fulfil the obligation otherwise than by submitting the completed questionnaire in paper form (according to § 18, paragraph 5 of Act No. 540/2001 Coll. on State Statistics, as amended), the printed sample can also be used for this purpose.

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