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The website of the The website of the

The domain

This is the website of the public authority of the Slovak Republic – Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic. Links to individual public authorities’ websites can be found at this link.

This website is secure

Be careful and always make sure that you share information only through the secure website of the Slovak public administration. A secure page always starts with https:// before the domain name of the website.


Please change your initial password.

*required fields
Enter in form Error: E-mail format is incorrect. Error: Fill e-mail.

The e-mail address will be reflected in the eCollection system in the Edit user profile section. The system sends a confirmation message to e-mail when resetting a forgotten password and automatic notifications.

Use at least 10 characters. Password must contains small letter, big letter, number and special character (~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) - _ = + [ ] { } | ; : , . < > / ?).
 Password can not be the same as the last 3 passwords. Error:

Info icon If you have multiple users of your account in the eCollection system, we recommend that you create separate login data for them after logging into the system in the User Management tab: user ID and password.

Electronic data collection

Electronic data collection (eZber) is a system, only available in Slovak language, enabling reporting units to fill in statistical questionnaires online in the information system of the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic.

Submission of statistical questionnaires in electronic form has been compulsory since 1 January 2016 pursuant to § 18(5) of Act No 540/2001 Coll. on State Statistics, as amended.

Latest News

Updated on: 15.12.2023

The Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic continued to optimise its website in accordance with the Unified Design Manual for Electronic Services and Websites ID-SK Frontend in order to unify user interfaces and the way of communication with users of electronic services in public administration. The electronic form (eForm) also received a new user interface.

Updated on: 08.05.2023

As part of the development of the statistical information system, a new module was implemented to support automated or semi-automated data collection from the enterprise systems of reporting units.


Methodological assistance

You can find the contact details for methodological assistance after logging in to eCollection in the relevant module in your questionnaire.   

Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic

Contact to the operator of the electronic service.   

Technical support

Contacts for technical assistance in filling in the statistical questionnaire.

Content manager and technical operator

Contact details for the content Manager and technical Operator.

State statistical surveys

National Statistical System

List of bodies carrying out state statistics and other information.

European Statistical System

The European Statistical Programme and the list of national authorities responsible for the development, production and dissemination of European statistics.

Programme of State Statistical Surveys

Information on the decrees by which the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic issues the programme in the Collection of Laws of the Slovak Republic. List of statistical questionaires is available in the Data collection section.​​​​​​

INTRASTAT-SK statistical surveys

Page created for INTRASTAT-SK statistical surveys.

Notifications to statistical code lists

Information on notifications to statistical code lists

If you register on the website and sign in, you can access information about changes to the statistical code lists.

Register for the website

If you are a reporting unit (eCollection user), registration is not necessary.

Log in to the website

Reporting unit (eCollection user) shall use the login details for the eCollection environment.

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